3: Western retreat satisfactory, accepted by canoeists and surfers? (3,8)
7: It makes up for a deficiency in flexible thinking (15)
10: Lawman inside fires back, hits female (7)
13: Half disapprove of old king (3)
14: Uncovered some letters written back in Sumerian epoch (4-3)
16: Feeling Starsky's buddy has a change of heart (5)
18: Upset expression of surprise follows failure of comic take-off (5)
20: Between two girls, left in a quandary (7)
21: Nightwear and jersey top added in afterthought (3)
23: People of all races in wild bar I own (7)
25: Startled, grabs sailor (3)
27: Go right ahead, it's simple. (8, 7)
29: Ever-practical, Mr. Vader keeps own little piggy (4-2-5)