1: Gloomy pizza maker taking day off around middle of January (7)
5: Finished holding second half of tour; it's lasted (7)
8: English philosopher in rasher lot? (5)
9: To Marx, it'd troubled an old printer? (3,6)
11: Start reducing salt? (3)
12: Host seems clever, off and on (5)
13: Toothpaste brand at Target? (3)
14: A highlight, a primary colour reflected into small pieces (7)
16: Arrays of waves in rumpled carpets (7)
17: Offensive time: that woman's in restraints (7)
19: Contracted to bring out in the middle of the road (7)
20: How to get around doing business, essentially (3)
21: Big affectionate bears blunder (5)
23: And not in town, ordinarily (3)
25: Whip me. Our lust is timid (9)
26: A heron regrets losing its wings (5)
27: Buses and trains. (7)