1: Homer's travail: 'I don't finish daily retreat.' (5)
4: Friendly over age of consent? (9)
8: Robin Goodfellow's ice hockey requisites (5)
9: Crushed bones, say, as source of sauce (4,5)
11: And not in town, ordinarily (3)
12: Drive back pariah from the East (5)
13: Shatters ice cubes (5)
14: A favourite car of Seattle natives. (11)
17: Rascal and wuss taking week off (3)
18: Worthless even when recycled (3)
19: Conducted fight in tent, it's clear (11)
21: Pathological bumbler holds a record (5)
23: Drive away king who returns to surround the leading pretender. (5)
26: Maintenance with Jones family perhaps (7,2)
27: Ascendant Brazilian city supports church singing group (5)
29: Spread Dianne's pearls around (9)
30: Sigh audibly about fool giving lip (5)