1: Shifting financial fortunes cause industry revolution (8,5)
8: $100 accepted by tart in buff (5)
9: Cover-ups of some Mexican heads reflected in more angry disorderly mobs (9)
11: Part of speech idealists rebuke (5)
12: Show off Mark's Mazda Miata, for one (6,3)
13: Captures openings (9)
15: Introduction to book by mere poet (5)
16: Heretic repented, holding tissue (5)
17: Rev. Spooner says 'The person massaging Reagan is illiterate' (3-6)
18: Whatever happens, speed is unimportant (2,3,4)
19: Minor Roman deity with a list of the animals of a region (5)
20: It's expedient to engage in habit-forming activity (9)
22: Flower festival is pointless (5)
24: Prejudice runs wild in a legal system (13)