1: Grow, taking head of iceberg to show again (5)
2: Decorative plant spray to put in shelter (9)
3: Big flowers for VIPs? (4,7)
4: Minor change in the White House? (6-3-4)
5: Fix the oil platform ... (3)
6: Ms. Lane swallows last of lean cuts of meat (5)
7: Fool, failing to finish, follows sprints (9)
9: Free sex, lips in beer; it's beyond words (13)
12: Organized fatso follows start of precise measurement including pound of seasoning (11)
13: Found jumbo rig in a teamster's parts (9)
15: Smokey's threat turning up deep in northern parts (5,4)
18: Heavenly visitor to arrive on time (5)
20: Mere owl inhabits large yard (5)
22: Three kernels of copper-yellow grain (3)