1: Pivotal round total ultimately in par (5)
4: Elizabeths dad to love flying set (5)
7: Managed in lower Antwerp (3)
9: Subscribe once more to Nazarene weekly in part (5)
11: Apprentice relinquishes heart to temptress (7)
12: One-time philosophical teaching turned him to classics (13)
13: Do another version of Kerouac's work (2,3,4)
16: Wild rose engulfs one willow (5)
18: Pervert stripped in mineral water (5)
19: Stuff used to make soup with apples - it's boiled (5-4)
21: Get the wrong idea, damn it, distressed about breaks (13)
24: Unbeliever attending robbery (7)
25: The color of a letter from Greece with purple edges (5)
26: Crook skimmed cash register? (3)
27: As in 'Lee goes back to the drawing board' (5)
28: Full house often enough to secure this young pet (5)