1: Washed-up press agent, having dropped client's butt, is not the one in the driver's seat (9)
2: Blunder into tall African mammal, with no infrared (5)
3: Prepares this way, dearies (7)
4: Reliable, timeless jet (5)
5: Nude redhead receiving backward glance is one serving drinks (9)
6: Hero-worshipper dancing reel and jig (7)
7: Hold spellbound in the tenth rally (7)
8: Agree to make Lucifer wicked? (3)
13: Immediately placed in an awkward situation (2,3,4)
15: Shortens break, going back to arouse with comedy bit (9)
17: Drained journo covers polly deadlock (7)
18: Sick love leads soldier to start contemplating irrationality. (7)
19: Auto manufacturer meeting a lieutenant in 'The Ancient Mariner'? (3,4)
21: Nothing, nothing in shape (5)
22: Not here? No, no! (5)