1: Story of a cold nobleman (7)
4: Ed hates broken earphones (7)
8: Scared, pay to cover up dent (7)
10: Kind of eagle that is a resident of Sesame St. (5)
11: God! Get real! There's no point getting upset (3)
12: Man, having taken a dose of LSD, is overcome by dread in a world of shadows (9)
13: Course left out of Texas city's comeback (5)
14: Energetically undid your toils (9)
15: Clear vision of no assistance (9)
17: Performer causes agent to lose head (5)
20: This behaviour causes sin! (9)
22: God, transforming first day into last night, was received (3)
23: Nearly everyone can work on the course without help (5)
24: Between Virginia and Los Angeles nothing has flavour (7)
25: Not all colleges say education is attempted (7)
26: Avoid duty like a self-satisfied leg-puller (7)