2: Gold tooth, perhaps, in satellite? (7)
3: Crazy, angered, mad, (7)
4: Draw a stomach uprising (3)
5: Roman date and time that is in Latin (2,3)
8: Unprepared, a little gerbil darted the wrong way (2-3)
9: His stable is unstable, it's found (9)
10: Open present yonder (4,5)
11: Gal who's no spring chicken hugs GI -- both go back for a snort (5)
14: Virago would dwell on male chromosome (5)
17: Express joy in slaughter (5)
19: Name successor in speech? (7)
20: Witty remark, for example, about constant batterer (7)
21: Something useful - like a matching collection? (5)
24: Now Elton heard California's big one (3)