1: Fold suit and undershirt (5)
2: Patriot embraces one dream (7)
3: Heels were repaired in another place (9)
4: I deem turds a regrettable necessity (11)
5: Drongo lacks even a pet (3)
6: Multiplied by inaccurate items (5)
7: An inhabitant of Eastern Europe makes love nearer the middle (7)
8: It comes to a point everyone heard (3)
13: Actress Tori, lacking direction, is getting the characters out of order(11)
17: Offering resistance, cattle run wild (9)
19: Imagine spouse, upset, keeping quiet (7)
21: I have followed a coach, shouting insults (7)
23: Brand of cat food containing bird's head and feet (5)
26: Without it, set call for recompense (3)
27: Neil lost a letter and ended up with nothing (3)