1: Chain some; cuff objectors (3)
2: Consumed and digested tea (3)
4: Metallic element forming excellent electrical connection (4,5)
5: A revolutionary New England state or an Indian state (5)
6: Funny dame getting red (5)
7: Carelessly let teeth rot completely (2,3,6)
10: Space left by dry loch (9)
11: Tag his shirt in order to discover if he's only a little bent. (11)
13: Symbol of hierarchy to church holds no value (5,4)
15: Very brave, Dorothy's starting without Em perhaps? (9)
17: Policeman extremely sensitive about opportunity (5)
21: Smooch a lofty Turk (5)
22: Hazardous emanation from river used by a crime boss (5)
26: Mink, for one, may fly when theres trouble (3)
27: Scale Ten after taxes (3)
28: Taverns quoted cool clique (3)