8: The ultimate objective is not to achieve the goal. (2, 5, 1, 3)
9: In the beginning, the first persons found Latin confusing. (7)
11: Dilapidated sofa contained initially some hot embers: something's burnt remains. (5, 2)
12: Drunk rises, holding tubular headgear (3,4)
13: Intoxicated with dances and drinks (9)
16: Number One in facetiousness (3)
17: Leaders of Orioles and Rangers stick in the dugout? (3)
18: Raises barnyard birds (around 8) (9)
19: Language - one with a Latin derivation (7)
20: Mostly yearning for headache remedy (7)
23: This erratic 23-down twisted neck (7)
24: To leaf I turn, becoming leafy (7)
26: Noise of family gathering at the start (5)
27: Very brave, Dorothy's starting without Em perhaps? (9)