1: No hefty role at sea for ship-launcher (5,2,4)
6: Vet theatre opening 8-down (3)
8: So disgusting no-one takes part? (7)
9: Caesars standard golf score? (5)
11: To peel off cover for torrid paparazzi shot (9)
12: Loudly certain Woodbridges a near-certainty (5,4)
13: Sound frequently killed (5)
15: Irish playwright livin soundly (5)
16: Mime, frolicking in small piece, quietly sparkled (9)
19: Flatters some mushy TV shows (4-5)
20: Approaches first of nine pieces of corn (5)
21: Senator (IN) flip-flops on this clue and others? (5)
23: Sack attendant taking ill. (7)
24: Rascal and wuss taking week off (3)
25: Boob implant cups: sad hoax in line with 15-down (8,3)