1: Behind and down and out (3)
3: Steer TS into alternative routes (4,7)
8: Norse gentleman? Not exactly. (5)
9: Mix tequila? Be fair! (9)
11: Exciting moment, actor as reviewer (11)
13: Lion man outraged to be so-called (7)
14: Watch Obadiah attend to customers (7)
15: Oriental festival on the first of November (7)
18: Ran, taking a shot, and told the story (7)
21: Mixed greens and teals, so dad's remodeled (6,5)
22: Infamous Ms. Spelling: 'Nothing's within reason!' (9)
24: Wants - in fact, just has to have (5)
26: One later enters, like, with matching sides (11)
27: Essential part of Cayce's power! (3)