1: Again send out note describing Susie misbehaving (7)
2: Nick shouts - and theres trouble brewing! (3,5,2,3)
3: 'Clerks', a hit with stereotypical Generation Xer (7)
5: Field of fruit trees resulting in poor Chardonnay (7)
6: Express one's emotions in fancy cabaret (7)
7: Weatherman Al admitting old club is a place to find chicks? (7)
9: Famous pianist's inclination for vocalizing (5)
11: Challenge the bench in retaliation. (13)
16: Speculated that it was a talkative visitor (7)
17: Extraordinary oldies I greatly revere (7)
18: Get sun darkened between California, Iowa, and city in Italy (7)
19: Cheyenne Mountain installation produces radon mixture (5)
20: Spotted like a cheesecake? (7)
21: Sea creatures with vocal powers (7)