1: Weapons to attack BS, involving way with words (11)
5: Drawing, for example, a bit of a cartoon (3)
7: Determine Cartesian coordinates? (9)
10: Chump first class, and very Italian (5)
11: Raise streamlined submarine stabilizers! (5)
12: Name assumed to be no dupe's my disguise (9)
13: 'Elfin' featured in 'Complete Enya' (5)
14: Relaxes about measure, but holds malice (7)
16: More candid and duller (7)
19: A Gore follows a Ryan (5)
22: Cringingly escape around canopy (9)
23: Duck's primary seducer! (5)
24: The cow may do this in the local veterinary yard (5)
25: Alto I somehow kept in the dark, back during interactive broadcasting (4,5)
26: Leaders of Orioles and Rangers stick in the dugout? (3)
27: Bright-sounding agenda touches on heavyweight legend (5,6)