1: Deck out detective, putting pants on backwards (5,2)
5: Anchors in peat bogs (5)
8: Content little rest for the painter (5)
9: Neighbours, say, note each period (4,5)
10: Drink to the crashing of beetle car (9)
12: Balance a plate of fish? (5)
13: Standard style of music rejected (3)
14: 15-acrosss toilet pot? Rubbish! (5,6)
16: Don't encourage satellite pace to slacken. (11)
20: Capture ten heading north (3)
21: Zealous police action captures leader of blackmailers (5)
22: Bride's outfit - a sort of shirt by Jean-Jacques? (9)
23: Philosopher trashed Zen ethics (9)
24: Rusty hinge makes animal cry (5)
25: Slight urge at night (5)
26: It's not the editor in chief that looked threatening (7)