2: Right, turn right to play with robot (3)
3: Man sees bananas in a bunch (2,5)
4: Skill is extremely tangible for a performer (7)
5: Initially taking lumber off cart (7)
6: Provisions made by the artist to get into shape for the course (7)
7: Just grazed the pasty? (4-7)
8: Cant this band collect any moss? (7,6)
9: Swings needing repair by unknown stock gauge (4,4,5)
12: The star of 'Ellen' has at folks with substandard morals (11)
17: Drained journo covers polly deadlock (7)
18: People vomiting quietly into storm drains (7)
19: Neurotic lass edited letter, concealing the way it was rated. (7)
20: Hide the real solution (7)
26: Child is to depart, finally (3)