1: Endless barbecue arranged for young carnivore (4,3)
5: Dance to old home recording (3 4)
8: Equips for attacks (4)
9: Skill is extremely tangible for a performer (7)
11: Ned Lunig, thrown inside, openly seen to be crapulous (13)
12: Cut corners and omit taking minutes (5)
13: Is inherent part in three-fold, two pole microchip. (9)
16: Greenspan hugs former wife and the German control freak Haig (9)
17: In retrospect, sex provided relief for cravings (5)
18: End of Oslo peace process making things less clear (13)
22: A game stuffing ketchup in balloons (7)
23: Sort of uninitiated cheat (3)
24: Uncovered references containing name for certain flowers (7)
25: Heads appearing strange in distorting lens (7)