1: Hear Native American appeal (3)
4: Sanctioned half of values I saw (9)
9: 4-down Arias hit high note in some of the lungs (3,3)
10: Trashy dime novel about American sex symbol who's not all there? (5,2,4)
11: Perhaps a bathroom contractor is mentioned to a former president (5)
12: Man, what an avant-garde US artist! (3)
13: Shakespeare character speaking overhead (5)
14: Swine met end, tied and dyed (9)
16: Principle unaffected by revolution (5)
20: Drop in rent keeping me housed after last month (9)
24: The Spanish derelict is too much for the church office holder (5)
25: Residue has scattered (3)
26: Proportion of formal speech needing to be trimmed on either end (5)
27: Invention to trick four into a stupor (11)
28: Scale Ten after taxes (3)
29: Its very like a mess; rebel appears at fault (9)
30: Venomous enemy lurks in Caspians (3)