1: Top dog in hiding from distemper organisms (7)
5: Name of girl getting praise in secret service (7)
9: A representative may be a scamp (3)
10: Step right in cement mixture (9)
11: One politician's a brat (3)
12: Fashion term heartless: Feeling up Blossom (6-2-3)
13: God, transforming first day into last night, was received (3)
15: Lada, for example, gets favourite treatment for VIPs (3,6)
19: Went ahead and used the power button (7,2)
20: Cleaning aid possessed by Fragonard (3)
22: Hang back, keeping right next to person buying a jumper (11)
25: Club with space for some money (3)
26: Mathematician's analysis of former Vice President's movements? (9)
27: Famous gardens said to move one to speak. (3)
28: Hype song that is plain (7)
29: Actress Myrna taking call nearby (7)