1: Larvae can appear to contain cure-all (7)
2: Slangily, hip old English author (5)
3: Company strongly recommend: after first scolding, apply the whip! (7)
4: Relieves each emergency service (5)
5: Young horses mistakenly resign early without hesitation (9)
6: Practise using public transport (5)
7: Everything, including meat, in stew is nutritious (9)
8: Feminine articles put in case (7)
13: Model unpredictable dial to shake in natural disaster (5,4)
14: Bird dog devouring bad lad (4,5)
16: Drunk stops to heave (7)
19: Americans look for no revolution (7)
20: Apprentice relinquishes heart to temptress (7)
22: Knock out acrobat's last daring feat (5)
23: Left a port near Dubrovnik (5)
24: Elation leads Anglican Irishman to write of home from abroad. (5)