1: Uninitiated stoop to finish (3)
2: Curate ran immediately back inside tower (7)
3: Bats staying in dark (7)
4: Clothilda is carrying a parcel (3)
5: Announced at first match: 'You are on the net. This is unprofessional.' (7)
6: Rumors of corn among grass (7)
7: Lepers treated by North Dakota specialist? Brilliant! (11)
10: Boob implant cups: sad hoax in line with 15-down (8,3)
11: Polite fellow, but a slippery character (7)
12: We blame knitter for small woolly jumper (3-4)
16: Ed goes in cleaner place for Sleepy (7)
17: Advice on clues to be anagrammed (7)
19: Interminably bother crook for one pasta dish (7)
20: Gambler in the middle to call and raise (5,2)
23: Freshen the atmosphere (3)
24: 4-down Arias hit high note in some of the lungs (3,3)