1: Take tricks with this wit? (5)
2: Frank comes to fall practice a lot (9)
3: Dont alter it, child; its a hat! (7)
4: Maiden from France lowers bloomers (7)
5: Dine out and stop being vague (13)
6: Scandinavian boatmen or sea-faring characters (5)
7: Pen extracts articles from satay (3)
9: Those who study bugs' motion got less confused (13)
13: Bouquet's sent up to network director? (5)
16: African anti-exchange, barricading bank Central Bank (9)
18: Fancied whos coming to dinner, we hear (7)
19: Blamed and nailed copper, scam's leader on the inside (7)
21: He told tales about a love with foresight. (5)
23: Wayward schoolgirl's taken home (5)
24: Ripen mangoes evenly (3)