1: Draw a stomach uprising (3)
3: Stimulant produced as choir paid off (11)
8: Prepare too much for apparent downpour (9)
9: Excessively sentimental dunderhead in the river (5)
11: Surrounded, small insect crawled into cover (7)
14: Falls to pieces after the first sounds of thunder (7)
15: Bond leads in The World Is Not Enough (5)
16: Coats need woven yarns (9)
18: An exceptionally attractive person may be met aboard (9)
19: Stories least translated (5)
20: Lackluster sex drive dogs one on wobbly pins (7)
22: Unfinished riding gear for Indian town (7)
24: A girl, oddly enough, was revealed only to the purest. (5)
25: Color orange upset poet something terrible (5,4)
28: Exciting moment, actor as reviewer (11)
29: Odds of niece being born (3)