1: Possible anagram of Lipton Tea (9)
6: Feeble deception overheard (5)
8: Start reducing salt? (3)
9: Conducted fight in tent, it's clear (11)
11: There aren't any comebacks after such a poor performance. (2, 7)
12: Drunkard turns up near beach, reversing new habit, to sleep fitfully (4,3,4)
15: Complain about the horse (3)
16: Greek characters suggest dawn (3)
17: Exchange concealed proprietary knowledge (5,6)
19: Wrong, or sure one is wrong (9)
22: A properly run lottery might be a complete success (1,5,5)
23: What's left when you burn the tree (3)
24: Entertain one of nine daughters of Mnemosyne (5)
25: Completely drenched, laid umbrella tip gauge down (9)