1: Treacherous stray fleas (5)
2: Check strong drink of 22-acrosss bold alter ego (5,6)
3: Backblock not all there (3)
4: Abandons the tents? (7)
5: Chewed-up gum in tater -- how toothsome (5-8)
6: Got used to western city after it eliminated a lot of noise (7,2)
8: Ned Lunig, thrown inside, openly seen to be crapulous (13)
9: Bring Father back to hang buckets on maples again (5)
13: Beware of these they show the funny side of the month! (4,2,5)
14: I clear imp in ruckus based on evidence (9)
18: Baby's things even discovered in past (7)
20: Bar one not keeping heart of bargain (5)
23: Shine audio, $40? (5)
25: Looks like an eyesore, sounds like an eyesore (3)