1: Conducts true incomplete search before Tuesday the 5th of August (9)
2: Leave northbound dude in car (4,3)
3: Group of eight initially outwits coup to enter Tripoli (5)
4: Mature writer beyond racy, impertinent introductions (5)
5: Tears material, tears material (9)
6: Playing on cello in A major's superior (7)
7: Hovers over weaving implements (5)
10: Initially taking lumber off cart (7)
14: Otherwise angered by a fencers call (2,5)
15: Waterhouses partner slashes discounts (5,4)
17: Tide, for example, has to stop fellow (9)
19: Surrounded by grass, loose and laid-back (7)
21: With Pat, I persevere, biting back final words? (7)
24: A small amount of change in hearing, sight, or smell, for instance? (5)
25: Skipped the French army physical training (5)