1: Dilapidated sofa contained initially some hot embers: something's burnt remains. (5, 2)
2: Emergency room stocks one sensitive organ (3)
3: Lived with hind-end whip mark (5)
4: Write to Dee about American the French roughed up (7)
5: Star's drug causes a dark patch (7)
6: at peoples uptown bar for starters? (3)
7: Where some 16-downs fell, its beyond cover (3,4)
8: One who reads each consumer (7)
12: Child is to depart, finally (3)
16: Like powerful uncle in Indian state? (5)
17: I am a Persian fairy starting to approach supreme powers (7)
18: Neuters wrestle majority of such neuters (7)
19: Central matter for physicists luncheon: rocks releasing hydrogen (7)
20: Foreign car, in neutral, crashed (7)
21: Residue has scattered (3)
22: Leather factory or solarium? (7)
24: Measure of beverage with even fewer calories? (5)
27: Worthless even when recycled (3)
29: Later round without an opponent (3)