1: Mend a split state (11)
6: Equips for attacks (4)
8: Audacity by attendant where the most important news is found (5,4)
10: Bounder beheaded by slippery swimmer (3)
11: Climactic age opal tossed (7)
13: The ultimate in tepee doctrine (5)
14: Piece of pottery containing drink to make beast tender (9)
15: Short time for the Irish (5)
16: Muhammad's first of the desirable ones (1-4)
17: Terribly versatile family (9)
18: At hand no competent help (5)
20: Surprisingly, neither was in place. (7)
21: Rascal and wuss taking week off (3)
22: Confounded Erin's pros and cons (9)
23: One may be a very long time (3)
24: Wizards covered in liquor and beer...it might be for charity (7, 4)