1: Raw material for Swedish coins (3)
3: Stimulant produced as choir paid off (11)
9: Prepare canvas with a colour like red, blue or yellow? (5)
10: Nathaniel cuddles one squirming infant (7)
11: These often go with crosses but they mean nothing really! (7)
13: Bud tore angrily into Thomas, for one (7)
14: Begins seeing another divorcee? Deplorable. (3)
15: Chip is describing rare bird call (5)
16: First and most powerful male (5)
19: Short line in letter back-fires (5)
20: Merchant finally stocking this and that (5)
21: Drongo lacks even a pet (3)
22: Retinue and company again go round, get back (7)
24: Rousing Pat with mini drum set (7)
26: Aliens work infrared thrust (7)
28: Thats sensible; has the eagle perhaps landed? (4-2-5)
29: Cronkite, Bradley, and Safer's first network (3)