1: Woman politely restraining cad on pavement (7)
5: The last theologian inside to burn the cheese (7)
9: Repair stitching that flares Ewok cloaks (5)
10: Finally nuts, Im crazy for cow (9)
11: Release pressure after energy incident (5)
13: Sort of aircraft axe? (7)
15: Miss West soaks up ultraviolet for that striking shade of purple (5)
16: Clothilda is carrying a parcel (3)
17: Spanish wine from a city in Brazil getting German approval (5)
18: 'There the woman is!' exclaimed in a less friendly way (5)
19: Walesa still embodies how Nobel Laureates soar? (3)
21: Imported food injected with nitrogen (5)
22: Get with a Chicago threesome, the night before a big event (7)
23: I have a head nurse turning up birthmarks (5)
25: English jet fighter made an assessment and left the country (9)
27: Enter names - register only lists beginners (5)
29: Genuine hesitation in church after transgression (7)
30: Empty pail beneath sack (7)