2: Algerian city has grand musical instrument (5)
4: Provoke Church of Scotland's absent leader (3)
5: Pay in gym before deli spread (5)
6: Neither partner finds way out of country (3)
7: Youre filming some Return of the Long Term Prisoner (5)
8: Non-professional laggard goes underground (4,3)
9: Looks like an eyesore, sounds like an eyesore (3)
11: Old Testament figure appears before New Testament incident (5)
13: Quiet floor decoration is a sign of indifference (5)
15: Totally lacking a lofty plaything (3)
17: After the last bit of moonshine y'all be gettin' back inside, see? (7)
20: Drank up in station (5)
21: Picture a dessert without topping (3)
22: Material featured in 'Sudden Impact' (5)
23: Muse about weed on top of Olympus (5)
24: Praises cricket ground in a speech (5)
26: Top card? Excellent! (3)
27: Child, bask by the sound (3)