1: Mink, for one, may fly when theres trouble (3)
2: Doctrine for some Kiwis makes sense (3)
3: Peg's put on jeans, and airs (9)
4: Hazardous emanation from river used by a crime boss (5)
5: Privy to accessibility (11)
6: Hound British regime in India about Gautama's original tree (9)
7: Ever-practical, Mr. Vader keeps own little piggy (4-2-5)
9: Sounds like a bright child (3).
11: Orchestra I'm reorganizing for certain conductor (11)
12: For Proust, life's purpose springs from remembrance of a torn desire (6,5)
15: Proof of intoxication (9)
16: Apprentice number six, to Spanish aunt, extremely tentative (9)
21: Johnston's desires (5)
22: Road without a pole (4)
25: Drongo lacks even a pet (3)
26: Raw material for Swedish coins (3)