1: Doll part, that is (5)
4: Relaxed back at vicarage with a NZ channel (6,3)
9: Flower shop nosh about $41 (5)
10: It involves, initially, my intention to fake right, perhaps? (7)
11: Several variety shows (7)
12: Cover-up file conceals, ultimately, wrongdoing by one female (3,4)
15: Drink to them, not with them. (6,7)
18: A little sports car, let to harassed Southern belle (8,5)
21: Miserable devils heard 27-acrosses (7)
23: One segment of recording is a kind of poem (7)
24: The bottom of a serving of funnelcake is terrific (7)
26: Discover treasure hiding in plain sight (5)
27: Difficult situation with drug in back of pantihose (5,4)
28: Diminutive fellow had a big job in the final. (5)