1: Equips for attacks (4)
2: Person in a suit sporting ordinary flap (9)
4: Exegesis of clue an idiot misunderstood (11)
6: Complex pig torn apart in causing excitement.(9)
7: Guard enthralled by desperately urgent sad song (5)
8: Thats sensible; has the eagle perhaps landed? (4-2-5)
10: However, you expect trouble at first (3)
12: Rifles protect lady from 16-down overhead (11)
15: Exchange concealed proprietary knowledge (5,6)
17: Creates nucleotide sequences, written about time after time (9)
19: Pantomime character having to join forces around Lake Superior (9)
23: Pitchers were transported south (5)
24: Odds of niece being born (3)
26: Complain about the horse (3)
27: Former name for joint audition (3)