1: Elsa ran frantically for store (7)
5: Englishman opening a can to dine at home (3,2)
8: West's last: bottom spade, perhaps (5)
10: Scratches container with a Mark of Sorrow? (9)
12: Let not passion sway philosophers (3-10)
14: Come round again about dog (5)
16: Shortens break, going back to arouse with comedy bit (9)
17: Finish up with discontinued language? (6,3)
20: Dispatch Socialist in contempt (5)
21: Guess what the benighted marksman did? (4,2,3,4)
23: Believer taking blame for counselor (9)
24: Hordes of unions' speakers (5)
26: This identifies the literary epic at the outset! (5)
27: Evolve from crude Velo predator (7)