1: Thoroughly go over Quattro before start of test-drive (5)
4: Sounded like a jackass relating hairy entanglement (5)
7: Polygraph unexpectedly traps vandal (3)
9: Bart's also cast as Big Bird (9)
10: Suggest I am a layer. (5)
11: Make money and set out to be serious (7)
13: Pear log cut up to make garden frame (7)
15: Orchestra I'm reorganizing for certain conductor (11)
18: Organized fatso follows start of precise measurement including pound of seasoning (11)
19: Brother finally changed sides at the bordello. (7)
22: Legendary rich guy gets called, then folds (7)
24: Highways or turning spots (5)
25: That may be reversed, but his son sits around pointlessly. (4,2,3)
27: Grant loud colour (3)
28: Made clear how in directions (5)
29: A chair may be material (5)