1: California 'Wine Doctrine' amounts to a religion (9)
2: There is no commoner old coin (5)
3: Evil colleague, for example, breaking in contrary to law (9)
4: Greek characters suggest dawn (3)
5: Laughable Democratic line-up (5)
6: Measuring exotic flowers (9)
7: Fires partner in investment firm, we hear (5)
9: Encrusted with crustaceans, with salt stripped out? (9)
11: Pantomime character having to join forces around Lake Superior (9)
13: Cry at nothing and hope to be only slightly cowardly? (9)
15: Fashionable fragrance, fundamentally (2,7)
16: Shocked ensemble leader with ascending note during concert (9)
19: Pour dripping over tack (5)
20: Perhaps a bathroom contractor is mentioned to a former president (5)
22: Newsman Bradley accepts men, correct? (5)
24: A representative may be a scamp (3)