1: Fancy decoration thats cool on the surface? (5)
2: Me, in bed with heavenly body? (5)
3: Mum gets customers some guns (7)
4: 22 across, shot and others rustling his cattle (8)
5: Cycles within easy earshot (5)
6: Three kernels of copper-yellow grain (3)
7: Ailment moving one to get nourishment (7)
8: Returned, blushing about departure (9)
11: In all, just a little peak. (3)
12: With great humility His Holiness commandeers a can before a new day (3,2,4)
14: Oil depots destroyed ocean habitats (4,5)
16: Crazy bald guy in Beetle (7)
17: Vicar regularly outdated technology (1.1.1.)
18: Ridiculously bid more for chestnut (7)
20: It might make an impression on a philatelist (5)
21: Jeep model went along to show (5)
22: Caress one grand puzzlemaster (5)
24: Inflexible yet adjusted (3)