1: A muskmelon or cola nut pa sliced (9)
4: Bobby-Ray slashed coconut meat (5)
6: Mysterious obstetrician's remedy (7)
8: Almost useless nags (7)
10: Rooted in regressive muddleheaded isolation (5)
11: Tradesman confined in nurses embrace (9)
12: An idea to throw out ring away from home (3,2)
13: CEO Kane we agitated every Friday, as one example (4,1,4)
17: English poet holding us responsible for hold-up? (9)
19: Arabs lost sneaky bird (9)
23: Eights had to race again, we hear, concerning fish spawn. (2, 3)
24: Little woman at her lowest point (7)
25: Unarm crook in order to go berserk (3,4)
26: One who regrets following initial tendencies is increasingly sincere (5)
27: Manager of Shanghai operation is one who is making an impact? (9)