1: The fathead cut down and then collapsed (7)
4: A child toils to produce poems (7)
8: Dead time after amusement in December (7)
10: There was little space in the satanic heresy. (5)
13: Dolly led runt astray (7)
14: Pious woman in underground hideaway (3)
15: Left with pal carrying new gold case (11)
17: Criticise a computer analysis of famous passage (6,5)
18: How to get around doing business, essentially (3)
19: Hide the real solution (7)
21: Watch Obadiah attend to customers (7)
24: Robe's eyelet exposes more than fat (5)
25: Whip in swell company (7)
27: Vice exploits body cavities (7)
28: Errant son taking coin without permission (7)