1: I deem turds a regrettable necessity (11)
2: Expert made to order in the world of scholarship (7)
3: Green-light southern Indian chief (2-5)
4: A methodical soldier? (7)
5: Send Tim out for attitude (4-3)
6: Be supplied with wings, over and above (7)
9: Small area of land for unchanging Chinese (5)
13: Employ heart-broken Spartans where disaster came to pass. (11)
17: Worried about being ribbed. (7)
18: Learner said it was a huge green monster cooked in gravy. (7)
19: Encase most of the Ashes wrongly (7)
20: Mailer's reinterpreted depiction of the way things are (7)
21: Tribal emblem starts to take on taboo, erotic meaning (5)
22: Girl hangs around artists' quarter for something to get tanked with? (7)
25: Worthless even when recycled (3)