2: Course left out of Texas city's comeback (5)
3: Got off the coach tired, on Eastern time (9)
5: Privy to accessibility (11)
6: That may be reversed, but his son sits around pointlessly. (4,2,3)
10: Drawing, for example, a bit of a cartoon (3)
11: Shadowy woman on 'I Spy' (5)
12: Leaving firm when dating (5,6)
15: Cad mad about Dutch port (9)
16: Standard cart coming back with jam (9)
18: Lightened up, taking part in strip-tease dance (5)
21: Small area of land for unchanging Chinese (5)
22: Neil lost a letter and ended up with nothing (3)
24: Mechanical worker pushing start button in the depths of the plant (5)
26: Age of neo-catastrophe? (3)
28: Pen extracts articles from satay (3)