1: Chicago hoodlums capturing 1,000 squirrels (9)
2: We hear he pillaged while he played. (5)
3: Without it, set call for recompense (3)
4: Does the wandering hero duly hostess perplex? (7)
5: Many Christmas trees ultimately left in the best place? (5)
6: Opening for Fish in building trade (9)
7: Do as I say in short retreat (5)
9: Trailer crashed in second test (7)
12: Hope destiny is remarkable - to free the mind (11)
13: A woman loved what a Roman is content about (9)
15: Ran up price to report (7)
16: Fifty are returning after the last hemp mixture has a short life cycle (9)
19: He told tales about a love with foresight. (5)
20: Performer causes agent to lose head (5)
22: Dixie, perhaps, greeting Japanese food (5)
25: Nightwear and jersey top added in afterthought (3)