1: Dog of old opium-eater in novel (9,6)
3: Observed, yet seen so poorly (3,4,2)
4: Dilapidated sofa contained initially some hot embers: something's burnt remains. (5, 2)
5: The lowest of the low points in a direction (5)
6: Beat it and ran, for example, with Girl Scout ingredients (9,4)
7: Snap since Scots embrace the proposition to benefit from exposure to the sun. (15)
8: Shifting financial fortunes cause industry revolution (8,5)
10: Throw out faulty nib (3)
14: Do people in the medical speciality consider law? (9)
16: Partially hear the noise coming from the ground (7)
18: Start reducing salt? (3)
19: Lustful inside, eager and young (5)