1: Ejection of Jack from medieval competition (7)
5: Drunk, I'm one hunk of beef in bed (7)
8: Making things just after work, maybe (7)
9: Become less formal, and recommend accepting trio of Hawkeyes (4,3)
11: . . . before the last apprentice is put in the ground (5)
13: Unarm crook in order to go berserk (3,4)
14: Pate topping primarily honey and tamari? (3)
15: Conducted fight in tent, it's clear (11)
17: Tag his shirt in order to discover if he's only a little bent. (11)
18: Later round without an opponent (3)
19: Larvae can appear to contain cure-all (7)
21: Facility left for supporter of the arts? (5)
22: The princess's leisure is exposed for public perusal. (7)
23: Personal belief: IPO in no trouble (7)
24: Returning inside, made sure preschoolers read (7)
25: Weary of ingredients in butterfat, I guess (7)