1: Drink one after another in a tantalizing way (9)
2: Returned, blushing about departure (9)
3: Measure of beverage with even fewer calories? (5)
4: Ball-horses are travellers! (5-8)
5: Draw a stomach uprising (3)
6: Starts to name Olivia Newton-John 'Country Entertainer' for the time being (5)
7: Fires partner in investment firm, we hear (5)
9: To initiate into communist units, they carry the vital gas. (3, 5, 5)
12: Rabbit (male) with nest of bunnies? (5)
14: Hellish center for immigration? (5)
16: It's on the coast of Australia - a tree discovered by science (6,3)
17: Gloomy yet distorted derivation (9)
20: Racing off without first resting (5)
21: Good Republican source of life-giving system for short-handed office workers (5)
23: The Commander went to the communist and ripped his heart out. (5)
25: Sounds like everything: a bore (3)