1: Influenced by sound material (5)
2: A sample makes sense (5)
3: Its a firm, small lettuce (3)
4: For Proust, life's purpose springs from remembrance of a torn desire (6,5)
5: Set out samovars for featured skits (4,5)
6: Real idiot garbled opiniated commentary (9)
7: Rev. Spooner says 'The person massaging Reagan is illiterate' (3-6)
8: 4-down Arias hit high note in some of the lungs (3,3)
10: A favourite car of Seattle natives. (11)
12: Secures a term and travels (4,5)
13: In love with copper? Gone to give a needle? (9)
14: Glib speech before Ms. Peron returns (9)
18: Dyslexic's tired and distressed (5)
19: Going after the final piece of puzzle for a very long time (3)
20: Flower part to lapse badly (5)