1: Failure to remember Bach work (5)
2: Toothpaste brand at Target? (3)
3: Virago would dwell on male chromosome (5)
5: Shredded chad, he decrees, is one ingredient (7,6)
6: Eat after hollow enclosure is discovered (5,2)
7: About....about right? Wrong! (3)
8: The state of a fresh garment (3,6)
10: Charles talked about pictures of sea creatures (6,2,5)
13: Several variety shows (7)
15: Interrupted by yells of pain, Dr. Edward napped (7)
16: Sailor seen in meager nighttime illumination (9)
19: Small hound, Prince, doesnt finish? Thats right (7)
22: The end of a fire (or a month?) (5)
23: Haley's book provides moral support (5)
25: Top card? Excellent! (3)
27: Fish spawn upstream in little orifices (3)